Monday, February 28, 2011

2011 and counting

So, it seems that summer and spring are not quite what I remember!!
Me thinks there was more pure, sunny days in the winter last gone??
I am counting the days and will be quite well prepared for sorting out this deficit balance in the weather. Its just not cricket!!
I think I had the happiest/drunkest anesthetist on NYE2011,the poor fellow had to leave his place of merriment to administer my knockout drugs. The black and gooey appendix was extricated and I have been a different being ever since!!
I guess I should be happy not to be a statistic like Harry Houdini (he died) but I am not enjoying the abnormal feelings of post surgery one bit!
Feels like my liver is in my groin and my naval is located at least a metre west of where I remember it last. Ah the joys of post operation hernias and adhesions.
So, wobbling and shuffling around was a true joy and my seemingly snail like recovery is just a hoot.
On a much brighter note, Sienna and Molly are very happy with the new house we ae moving into in March and Flip is excited to see the sea from the balcony. I have become used to living in the small shoe-box that has been home for 8 months, I have reservations about the pure spotless environment that we are heading too. How will the spaghetti stains, weet-bix and the countless toilet accidents adhere to the new surroundings. Will the team lift and get the runny bits in the correct holes? I suspect the girls will delve into their nutritional requirements from the vantage of the luxury garden surroundings, eating all meals with the soft grass and stainless shrubs to caress the explosions of goop and incredibly resistant sauces as they haphazardly fly from missed mouths.

Something about moving that is both abhorrent and wonderful.
I love the tossing of old junk and getting rid of those pants that fit in high school.
But the actual process of dealing with the oddball property managers that seriously seem to carry on like the keepers of the crown jewels, so self absorbed in their illustrious role in society. A little like a lollipop man whose sense of power has bubbled over and he dreams of conducting the traffic on the autobahn.
Born to control!! None the less I managed to not sabotage the application process, the same process that required my grade four social science marks and sparkling crystal clear record of abstaining from all burping and farting in public spaces.

The sea views will be worth it... I will miss the box though.

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