Saturday, November 20, 2010

Freycinet and the Tasman Peninsula and Cradle Mtn.

Has been a while I know, but we have done much.

Collingwood won the Grand Final, almost surreal for me.

Sienna and Molly are very much rascals and now head to little penguins child care twice a week. They both seem to love the social side of this and I certainly enjoy the freedom to get about solo, have even started playing Golf again.
Bicheno is getting warmer and the place seems to be swelling with visitors and people returning from warmer parts for our summer. We stayed at Cradle Mtn last week, was a reminder of the cold, but still pretty easy going. We all slept in the same room and pushed the double beds together to make a superdooper one, Ilistened to my girls snore all nite. Then a visit to spooky Port Arthur, such a beautiful part of the world, forever tainted with tragic happenings. We had a wicked tour guide who filled my head with stories of convicts past, lashings and escapees tales that had me roaring with laughter. The special prison designed to mentally suppress the bad guys, freaked me with its confinement cells and ugly history.
Wandered thru the special garden put in place to commemorate the people caught in the recent tragedy. That is the most sobering moment I have experienced for a long time. Still hard to believe.

We have been on lots of trips lately, showing the girls as much and doing as much as they can handle.
Feel like the Griswolds from the Vacation set.